Memberships applications are now closed!
{ | $1000 to spend at Re-Up in the River Market or at the carts downtown ($100 annually) |
} |
{ | Every year, one whole pork belly’s worth of bacon brined and smoked just for you. (that’s 10 lbs per annum, folks) |
} |
{ | You and a friend are invited as our guest to our exclusive, annual Labour Day BBQ parties held at the River Market. | } |
{ | One very slick membership card. | } |
On Sept 4th, 2011, we hosted our inaugural Labour Day BBQ in collaboration with Tantalus Vineyards, DJ Rico Uno, East Van Wine Academy’s Kurtis Kolt and the Waldorf Hotel. 140 friends and fans came out that sunny Sunday for a marathon of smoked meat and Southern style hospitality. We’ve also hosted a few killer cocktail and canape parties….but we don’t want to brag.
Take a look, instead:
Founders Crew Prospectus (PDF Document)